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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

We The White Folk?

It's the part of the conversation on race that doesn't usually get talked
about — what it means to be white. But whiteness as a racial category is a
crucial part of the discussion, said the curator of a new exhibition that
focuses on the topic.
The International Center of Photography in New York is having an exhibit looking at the issue of racism via the lens of contemporary art. The exhibit of short films, photo essays, and sculptures is meant to "inspire thought and discussion during its run at ICP."
"I want people to have an intimate experience ... and to come away from the
show thinking about themselves," [Maurice Burger the curator] said. "Think about your attitudes, think about the assumptions you've been making, think about your
Okay, I know we have come a long way concerning race relations in this country, but that more work needs to be done. I'm just hoping that this exhibit doesn't have the tone of blame it all on the white folk that other social change projects I've seen exude. To improve relations between the races we can't blame the other for everything wrong. Where racism exists it should be noted and stopped. What I've seen too often is that racism is used as a tool to explain most situations. If the only tool you have is a hammer, then every problem looks like nail. I've seen that from all sides, white, black, latino, asian, and middle eastern.
If we don't start talking about it in a different way ... we're going to
give the same kind of limited conversations that we've been having for the last
200 years.

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