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Tuesday, November 30, 2004

You Got Here How?

Looking at the stats for today and it is interesting to see how people find Confessions. I've had 5 hits for some variation on Google for 'naked Snow White' or something similar. Who would have thought a naked Snow White would be so popular? I'm betting they were looking for pics. If so just find the online version of the magazine folks or if you're in Eurpoe I remember seeing Bild everywhere.

But this one has me confused: EKG blog bra gown. Huh? How would that combo of words hit Confessions? Combine one month that mentioned a bachelor party, a visit to the E.R., and a comment on blogs and viola it makes a hit! This now begs the question, why would anyone want to look for such a combination of things?

Don't ask, don't tell!

EDIT: In the past 5 hours I've had another 14 hits from the Snow White post. I guess if I post pics of naked women I'll have tons of visitors.

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