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Wednesday, November 24, 2004

I Don't Need No Stinkin' Bluebook

I might not get as much done as I wanted to but I realize there is a good thing about reviewing rough drafts of notes and memos without a Bluebook (I left it at home accidentally). I'm not bogged down checking cites, but I'm really editing for logical construction of argument, spellings (or misspellings as the case is proving to be), and simple, "Okay that might be an accurate statement, but you need to support it!" problems. I should be doing those things anyway, but I definitely prefer the cursory, overall examination method first to the in-depth exam first method.

On the plus side I thing I know more about the Bluebook than I thought. I may not know when something is wrong, but I at least have suspicions that something is wrong, if not exactly what the problem is. I never would have been this good at editing as a first year!

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