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Sunday, November 21, 2004

Impulse Control

Contest for the day: what is the most impulsive/crazy thing you've done on a spur of the moment?

I'll give an example. I don't know if this is my most impulsive thing, but it's a good start. A friend called me on her birthday and I felt bad that I had forgotten. She didn't have any plans to celebrate her birthday so I told her I would take her out dancing that night. The catch was that she was a 3 hour drive away! I figured hopping a time zone would work in my favor as I gained an hour and it wouldn't be very late when I arrived. We enjoyed that night out. I suspect the celebratory bottle of champagne helped with that. I was back home before noon the next day.

Extra example: I saw a round trip airplane ticket to London online that was less than $350. After 30 seconds I bought it online. Then I asked my boss if I could have a week off for vacation. Three weeks later I was in London and started my impulsive vacation. Except for knowing where I was sleeping that first night I was winging it the entire week. I don't think I did too badly just winging it.

I'm betting someone did something juicy as an impulse *wink*

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