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Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The Big Rest

Sleep is such a precious item in school. The two things we seem to value most as students, sleep and caffeine, are diametrically opposed to each other. The library is a favorite place for us to catch up on valuable sleep. I rarely do that though. It was fun to be in the reading room, knee deep in a lifeless essay due today, and notice one fellow student just push her laptop forward slightly and lay her head down on her arms. Between wearing a coat and scarf I'm hoping she was warm enough. I hope the nap was useful for you.

Last night I was the opposite. I had to go all the way up to Broad Ripple in order to get to a Starbucks I knew wouldn't be closed at 1o:30. I wanted to either keep typing up my lifeless essay or at least read for one class so I simply asked the barristas what is the closest thing to pure caffeine they had. A double shot of expresso is the answer. I finally went to bed at 2 after I read two articles for class.

My normal sleep now is for about two hours, wake up for one, sleep for another one or two hours, and normally wake up at least 30 minutes to an hour before my morning alarm. I'm betting scientists would love to experiment on my sleep deprived mind right now.

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