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Tuesday, November 09, 2004

I Am Prepared. No Really!

I was called on in class. Luckily I did read the material a few hours earlier, had notes and highlights throughout my book. To me preparation is now a matter of if I read the material or not. I gave up on comprehension a long time ago. I'm not sure what my initial response was, but between that and the person ahead of me passing the prof assumed that I was passing. No I wanted my participation points and this was a fairly simple case for a change!

I have a different style of class participation that is somewhat minimalist. I recited a basic fact pattern with no extraneous details, then waited on the professor. I refuse to ramble on unlike many of my classmates in the hopes of filling dead air. I actually asked, "Where do you want to go from here?" The students' time, the professor's time, and most importantly MY TIME are valuable commodities. He asked a question and I responded. Once I could see where the prof wanted to go I then went through the areas of the case I thought were relevant. That worked fine for 5 minutes and then I got to a question that I was stuck on: why (meaning what public policy and rationale) would you not want to co-mingle personal funds with funds that you have a fiduciary duty over?

I know it is bad to co-mingle funds, but to be honest I simply blanked out and admitted that I had no idea why it was bad. If I have no idea on something I won't waste the time to B.S. my way through it. Luckily the point bounced around the class for about 10 minutes, and I should get my participation point. My friends thought I did okay. I'm glad I can fake it well.

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