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Sunday, October 03, 2004

I'm Officially Published!!!!!

I'm rummaging around the law review office and stumble upon the newest edition. It is official: I AM PUBLISHED! I don't know when the new editions arrived and I'm a tad ticked that no one told us, but the new issue isn't even available on Westlaw and Lexis online yet. Hopefully that will be resolved in a few weeks.

I've struggled so much these past few years. So much of school has been an utter disappointment. I guard the flanks of the GPA's bell curve. I get lost in some classes far too easily for my comfort. On-Campus Interviews are a joke for me as I'm never selected. My ideals of justice have encountered the reality of the world. Yet with this thick book in my hands I can say that I have accomplished something. All the effort and pain accomplished a little bit of importance and notoriety. It shows that sometimes hard work and desire do matter and are not arbitrary!

The ironic thing is that I had no desire to be published. I wanted law review to fulfill the senior writing requirement the school has. I just wanted to write the best possible paper I could because it would have my name on it, and I take pride in my words as demonstrated by this blog.

Chicks dig carpal tunnel, broken egos heal, but glory is forever even in footnoted form!

EDIT: "Weinbergpfirsich" roughly translates to 'peach schnapps'. This bottle I picked up in the Mosel Valley last year is a good way to celebrate. Next time you all need to come over so I'm celebrating instead of indulging my alcoholic tendencies. Stupid cork! At least it floats.

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