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Thursday, September 30, 2004

The Ultimate Moot Court: Bush vs. Kerry

I'm not going to comment much on the first presidential debate concerning war and national security. That may surprise many of you. Here's my initial reactions: NOTHING NEW!

If you have been paying any attention to the campaigns you've already seen most of this stuff. Both candidates went through their stock phrases. President Bush often noted that Senator Kerry "kept changing positions." Senator Kerry kept noting that "the war in Iraq was wrong." Blah, blah, blah. It wasn't until halfway through that you could actually see some details in the positions of the candidates. I prefer details. They don't need to be extensive, but some details to flesh out a position statement would be appreciated. This is my idea and here are a few ways to do it. Oh well.

I do wish the president was a better public speaker. I don't consider it a necessary requirement of the presidency, but in this age of instant media it just looks better if a president has better tempo in speaking for want of a better word.

Oh, what the hell is an international test for preemptive defense? I don't see that in my textbook! At least the debate was pretty civil. That matter to me. You can be an advocate in your position without being an ass.

In a sidenote LLM asked me to call her after the debate. She found the event so exciting I woke her up with my phonecall.

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