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Thursday, September 30, 2004

Quotes of the Week

People think we're a bunch of do-gooders, but really we're do-gooders that want your money!

Well, if Congress doesn't appropriate money for combat operations I guess they'll pillage and rape the countryside.
What, do you think the US Army is composed of Viking warriors?

You've had negotiations or mediation. Do you know what B.A.T.N.A. is?
Umm..Best Alternative To...uh crap!
Correct Answer: Best Alternative To Negotiated Agreement

Lacy underwear good, gag gifts bad.

I think I'm confused.

Well my nose has flaws so they're going to drill into it.
Hey you can stop right there and I'm fine with that!

It's bad sign when I walk out of class more confused than when I went into it.

The story is out now and supposedly there are records.
Was it on CBS?

Someone remind me why I am doing this. OH YES, a nice lady asked me to do it as a favor. I need to figure out a way to stop that.
Look Brian if you were gay you wouldn't have that pesky doing favors for chicks problem.

Liquid oxygen! Don't they realize that isn't safe?
Purdue is an engineering school! Liability is never a question because it's never a specification.

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