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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Death Is Warmed Over

*Let's see if Blogger will do somethig good today.*

I felt great yesterday until around 3. I was reading for a class and suddenly I felt like someone yanked the battery out of my back. I was so tired and very quesy. We had a big time panel on Sexual Orientation and Family Law during which I was simply praying I wouldn't have to run to the bathroom. I'm assuming I ate something bad. This just came out of nowhere.

I didn't have dinner and simply went to my bedroom when I got home at 7:30. I cranked up the electric blanket to take a nap and see if I could burn whatever bug I was infected with out of my body. The only reason I got up at 10 was to drink a glass of water. At 2am I had breakfest then crashed again. I finally crawled out of bed at 8 this morning.

I don't feel great, but I feel better than yesterday. I'm just hoping the Advil takes care of my stiff joints and I so want to take another nap right now.

I don't think I'll read for class today. Sorry, but I just have no energy today. At least I'll show up. That counts for something right?

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