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Friday, December 03, 2004

Wisdom Of Atlas

Sometimes instead of coming up with stories I should just quote the numerous oneliners of my discussion group. I could put this in a context but why bother?

"Control the strings to the nookie purse, you control the man."

"I understand the anchor chair is open. Think he'll take Rather's, or Blowchow's? I think he's more the Rather type. I have the memos to prove it."

"AND there is always Tet and Festivus to fall back on as well."

"The Overlords are not pleased with your insolence. Would Underling [name redacted to protect the guilty] please explain the consequences?"

Well, wasn't that redundant statement redundant?

"Yes, its like being "King of the Dweebs", but the pay is better and there's an executive wash room."

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