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Thursday, December 02, 2004

Hodge Podge

Busy day yesterday!

Felt okay when waking up despite the copious amounts of Optimator consumed Tuesday night at the IBA Party. Ummm...free beer.

Had a preliminary job interview with BigGov agency at the school. I seems the preliminary interviews are always meet and greets in legal circles, because my initial tech interviews were always far more substantial in nature. I think I did well. We stressed my previous experience, the various activities I've been in at school, and demonstrated how high school speech team and moot court are very similar. The resume is impressive overall I feel as long as you don't look at the GPA. Grades are not the measure of a person and I've stressed that for years. I hope to get a call back after finals. I think I could fit in pretty well there and have a legitimate interest in much of the work there.

Wrote on Sapere aude for the first time in a month. Nothing fancy, but I need to let everyone know I'm still alive there. So much wisdom and experience must be passed on to the younger generation before I leave. I try to mentor them the best I can.

One class is over, or close enough. Monday will either be review session or nothing. I found it amusing the prof didn't realize the calendar still had one more class session.

One prof for another class gave a nice roadmap for the final. I like it when we get hints concerning the final exam. I also asked for a letter of recommendation concerning the bar application and was even offered a second letter of recommendation if one is needed for BigGov agency job. This prof may demand much from the students but we're treated well if we are willing to put in the effort.

I love the fact that I don't need to respond to the Dept. of Education email concerning the FAFSA! No more need of financial aid after this spring. I don't need no stinkin' PIN for the FAFSA! I will be in the Class of 2005. A sweet reminder that this is truly the ending of one chapter of my life.

Had sweet Amanda and the Fabulous Kelly P. look over my photographic proofs for the class composite. Thank you for your opinions ladies.

Had a free dinner with the parental units. Managed to watch a 'fresh' episode of Smallville live. We're so cool we can't say 'new' or 'not a stinkin' rerun' but we're FRESH! Whatever. Clark, just tell Chloe your secret. I'm just sayin'! The West Wing kicked ass too. Maybe having all these new people on board is reviving the creativeness of the show? Good to see Leo again and Josh as a big decision to make now. Things will get very interesting now.

Got a notice from the post office there is a certified letter waiting for me. Great! I wonder who would send me a letter requiring my signature? I'm either getting sued or won a prize. I'm hoping for the latter, but will find out today.

Confessions had over 280 hits yesterday, where a normal day is 50. Over 250 of them were people searching for the nude Snow White. I'm sorry they likely didn't find what they were looking for, but I do have fifteen classmates that might look fabu in costume and I do have my camera. Hummmmm.

Though very tiring yesterday was a good day.

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