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Monday, November 01, 2004


H.I.P.A.A. (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is driving lawyers and doctors nuts from what the doctors and lawyers I know are saying. If I could find a decent link to give a quick lowdown I would give it to you, but it's so messed up I can't find one. What little I know of the purpose of HIPAA is the keep our medical records private. Okay sounds good, but this allows the interaction of lawyers and doctors: two groups that are overly wordy, don't like each other, and have bad customer service.

Why do I care? Because looking over the HIPAA information had just as much paper as the medical forms I filled out today in the doctor's office. Geez! I go to a doctor's office for medical purposes, not to read legalese. Granted I understood the purposes and policy arguments better than most people there, but if I wanted medical law I would take MedMal or something similar.

One funny aside: I got to fill out a checklist and one question was something like "How much stress do you feel?" I wish I could reply with the question of on a normal scale or a student in law school scale?

EDIT: for proper spelling and terminology by my Subject Matter Expert The Fabulous Kelly P. Thank you dear. Okay, time for this headache to end please.
EDIT v 2.0: Third time the charm to get it all right I hope. Oh will this headache ever end?

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