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Tuesday, October 05, 2004

The Veeps!

CAG called me last night. CAG deserves her own intro sometime. Anyway she distracted me from homework, not that it takes much effort to accomplish that, and we got onto politics, which isn’t uncommon for both of us. Two things you should know. One: my political views and CAG’s are very different on many issues. This provided many of the more interesting moments in our relationship and I mean that in a good way. Two: now that she has gotten into a medical practice as "the lowly bitch" and is having to pay for her malpractice insurance she really, really, really hates my career choice and all the other law students and lawyers out there. We’re Public Enemy #1 as far as she’s concerned. Not that she liked "those asshole lawyers" before she got into practice.

Which makes the following discussion concerning tonight’s Vice Presidential debate all the better.

It’s a good thing vice presidents don’t really swing elections Brian.
Oh, why?
Look at the debate that’ll be tomorrow. You’ll have two completely different people up there and I would be totally screwed if they were running for president!
I’m not sure I follow you.
Look, I got problems with Bush, but Cheney is just pure evil. Bush doesn’t get it, but at least he’s a good guy. Cheney is the dark side and we’re all screwed with him.
So you’re saying that the pacemaker installed in Cheney is just the beginnings of creating Darth Vader?
You’re damn right I am! But look what I got with Edwards. A trial lawyer! A trial lawyer who’s earned his money on medical malpractice lawsuits. Do you know how much it costs to insure me? Too damn much! I earn all the money I make Brian and have to write the check to the insurance company. How much of my money goes into Edward’s pockets and all those other lawyers? All of it eventually! Crap if Edwards was the nominee I’d have to go third party again.
So no matter what you’re hoping the Secret Service does its job in protecting the President, whoever it is?
Oh god yes! We’re all screwed if either veep gets into the big chair!
*So very hard to restrain from laughing*

That's the nice thing about CAG, you always know what is on her mind and she will not sugarcoat it. One day I should tell you about the conversation where we both expressed our mutual dislike of former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott. Now that one was funny! Sometimes you can agree on something from two completely different viewpoints.

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