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Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Where Do You Stand?


World's smallest political quiz.
Seems pretty accurate despite the paltry number of questions as long as you answer truthfully.

Let me know what category you scored in and what your two percentages were. I'll tell you what I scored later and I'll give a prize for the first person that guesses what category I fell into (except for Andy as he knows me way too well). I won't ask for you to guess my percentages as that is just an impossible pain.

EDIT 9-22-2004: Chuck gets the prize as he figured I was Libertarian. Chuck's prize is that I commute the death sentence I put on him earlier this week for a lil' practical joke he put on. ;-) Aside from that Chuck also did a masterful analysis of the exam and the body politic. I concur and the stats below superficially support our belief. "Brian For President in '08" anyone?

Libertarians support a great deal of liberty and freedom of choice in both personal and economic matters. They believe government's only purpose is to protect people from coercion and violence. They value individual responsibility, and they tolerate economic and social diversity.
Your Personal issues Score is 80%. Your Economic issues Score is 80%.

Interestingly enough my score changed a little from 3 years ago when I first took this test. I believe I was at 70% then. Some people have commented that law school has made them more liberal, others that it has made more conservative. Perhaps school has made me even more libertarian?

Out of 3.4 million test takers: Libertarian 34.82 %, Centrist 30.22 %, Left-liberal 18.80 %, Statist 8.63 %, Right-Conservative 7.52 %.

Hey Kelly get over here and take the exam. I bet your results will 'buttress your gut' beliefs. (Thank you Kevin for the phrase.) I have the over/under with your results being like Amanda T's. BTW Amanda T, thank you for gracing Confessions with your presence. Miss ya!

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