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Wednesday, September 22, 2004

And In The Third Year They Bore You To Death?

What a crock! I'm waiting for that contractual obligation to occur! In the first year the scare you to death. Check! In the second year they work you to death. Check! Now I want to be bored, but that isn't happening yet!

Schedule for Wednesday:
midnight: been up since 6am Tuesday. Currently finishing up Intellectual Property reading.
12:30am: Perform research for a role playing exercise in class today.
12:50am: Create a sign for the voter registration drive out of a big piece of construction paper.
1:05am: Note that the sign I've just created looks like something out of the 4th grade. Continue studying.
1:30am: go to bed
4:30am: alarm awakens Brian. Have breakfast, coffee, and more coffee.
5:00am: shower
5:30am: dressed and downstairs finishing up research for role play exercise today.
7:00am: drive downtown to school
7:30am: arrive at school. Immediately start reading for Nat'l Security and Foreign Relations.
8:40am: start Intellectual Property class.
10:06am: get out of IP and start reading more Nat'l Security.
11:40am: go to state government class and perform roleplaying exercise.
12:30pm: end class, go upstairs for Nat'l Sec. I've read 65 pages in a few hours.
12:45pm: professor walks in and announces he is sick and dismissing class for the day. Begin replying to emails and check blogs. Reply to more emails that I've already replied to.
2:10pm: begin Trusts and Estates.
4:15pm: get out of T&E class and whip out poster I made earlier in the day for the voter registration drive. The plan was for me to not be there, but we got swamped and I stayed to help out. The perils of student leadership. I always feel the need to assist, especially when it is my own project.
5:40pm: done with voter registration drive. Leave school. Note that 5:40pm is such an early time to leave the building.
6:10pm: a single taco hell spicy chicken burrito and Diet Pepsi for dinner. Just needed something small to get me through the next few hours.
7:00pm: start Mystery Class as my quality Brian time away from law school. It's so good to have something outside of law school to remind me of the outside world.
8:00pm: discover that I am getting rather dizzy. I figure it is due to the 3 hours of sleep.
8:10pm: end Mystery Class and get tacos from Q'Doba in order to have a real meal. Get apple juice as I don't want the caffeine!
8:40pm: go home and put some files together that I'll need for tomorrow. Looking at topic memos can wait until I'm more awake tomorrow.
10:15pm: start typing up this entry and a quick look at my favorite online spots.
Approx 10:45pm: go to bed finally!!!

I'll admit these was a bit of an extreme day, but many of my days aren't much less than this. I just want some sleep. Where is that boredom I was promised?

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