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Monday, May 02, 2005

The Sins Of The 20s You Pay For Later


I sprained my right ankle very badly when I was 20. I had an interesting pizza delivery job that summer (good stories to be disclosed later) and slipped on some wet grass. I managed to keep the pizza level though. I'm still paying for that twist all these years later. I walk with a slight limp. You won't see it, but you will hear it from my footsteps.

It also wrecks havoc with my Mini-Marathon training. Sometimes my right foot goes numb when I run. Since I can't feel my foot I'll stop running. I keep walking and that seems okay. The numbness disappears after 5 or 10 minutes and then I go back to my jogging pace.

We were running an almost 8 mile course yesterday morning. Sometimes my feet are fine. Other times the balls of my feet get a bit sore. Yesterday my right foot went completely numb around the third mile. I did my typical jog, walk it off, jog, walk it off routine. I must have done something wrong because starting yesterday afternoon and still going on this morning, my right knee is stiff and sore. Sitting, standing, walking, being in a hot shower, it doesn't matter; this effing knee hurts!

It isn't an agonizing pain. It is damned uncomfortable though. One reason I ran a bit was to get my mind off of finals for a short time. Now as I'm studying my mind is off that task as I hope for the Tylenol to kick in. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and my foot and knee.

[EDIT] Never get cocky. Earlier this afternoon the knee felt better. Not great or good as new, but better and that was agreeable. As long as I was moving around it was okay though I noted it as mostly the back of the knee that gave me most of my troubles. Does the back of the knee joint have a name? I'm sure it does but I'm not calling Dr. CAG just to learn it. Regardless I've been dutifully studying in our lovely reading room for several hours. As I get up my knee is so friggin' stiff you would think it rusted together. Maybe I'll put on some ice like lawgeekgurl suggests when I get home.

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