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Thursday, February 24, 2005

The Slothness Of The MSM

This is assuming Yahoo is a part of the MainStream Media. Right now on Yahoo's headlines section is a post about Gov. Mitch Daniels proposal for a one year tax hike on the income tax for those that earn more than $100,000 per year.

Today is February 24th. Gov. Daniels proposed this during his State of the State address on January 18th. Wow, you guys are fast to pick this story up!

That being said I liked Gov. Daniels speech. He told the truth. We're in a hole and if everyone shares the pain we can get out of it. These poor economic times are not a time for politics as usual. The gist of his argument was to anger everyone a little bit. With all the grumbling these past few weeks he's done that.

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