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Sunday, April 18, 2004

Which Idiot Is Worse?

Here's my own version of a poll. We're in the library reading room where it is supposed to be quiet. Luckily someone, Idiot #1, was smart enough to put his cell phone on VIBRATE mode instead of letting it actually ring. However #1 left his cell phone on the table as he walked away to do whatever he wanted to do. Leaving small personal electronic devices in a public area is not the smartest thing IMHO.

Idiot #2 calls the cell phone and it vibrates, annoying 10 of us that are nearby. Then the phone vibrates again. Then the phone vibrates for a third time! I seriously doubt that three people suddenly decided to call this phone number in a period of 5 minutes so it's most likely that someone was redialing the cell phone in a attempt to get the person. Here is a clue, LEAVE A MESSAGE and wait for person #1 to call you back! Please don't keep dialing. If you have to try again don't immediately call back. That's just silly.

Oh well.

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