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Monday, August 16, 2004

Forces Of Nature

Hurricane Charley did a quick juke move and missed my cousin in Tampa. Charley was a bit north of Fort Myers so Naples wasn't directly hit. When dealing with a hurricane, especially a Category 4 one, does it really matter if it is a direct hit or an indirect hit? My aunt & uncle were in their vacation condo in Naples and didn't board up anything because they expected not to need to do that. They noted the glass in the patio door CURVED, but didn't break. Luckily my grandparents were up here in Indy for the summer and not in Naples, which pleased my mother greatly. Their place seems perfectly fine according to my aunt and uncle who went out and checked.

With this unseasonably cool weather in Indiana you would think we're okay in here. How bad can highs in the upper 60's to 70's be with lows often in the 40's and low 50's be? It simply feels like the middle of October instead of the middle of August right? It appears there is a rare cold-weather disease that affects soybeans. Two weeks ago my uncle's crop was fine. Last week it started turning to dust. Thankfully he has crop insurance.

Who would have thought the gentler force of nature was the more destructive to my family than the ultimate storm?

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